Today's post will be pretty straight forward. I am still having a blast on Zero. Lately, I have been having alot of fun at the expense of some Xrated pledge members.
I have continued to hunt Varlok and lately I have been running into xrated there (quite often). Here I got there as Varlok was dying, so I binded them and yoinked their drops. Magicstaff was not too happy -- No CB though...
Here, Magicstaff apparently thought it was more important to immune himself then the kid that was getting hit by varlok and myself. He actually died to Varlok. Magicstaff then would just run around and AB. I would erase cancel and try to catch him off of AB. He told me I would never kill him.. well apperently he should immune before he ABs because his timing is bad..
The other day I ran into Zod in FV as I was running to check Val. I assumed he was going to check Vala but thought after he saw me he probably wouldn't run and try Vala. Well I thought I would bring Liam and Gabe and go check out Vala..
Sure enough they were there.. Zod their fearless leader jumped ship and busted out of vala's lair while the rest of his party flopped. That Rockstar mage I have gotten 3 or 4 times now, the first 2 times he did not even immune. I feel kind of bad actually but we all have to get better.
On a different note, I saw Mike in game the other day!!
speed hacker...
Now what most of you come here for.. to see your smiling face ^^ Neighbor would be proud, I am getting better at grabbing SSes..
I saw this the other day and was kind of confused..
Lastly, A lesson I have already learned in lineage but still needs to be mentioned.. Don't be a hero and use good judgement, if events transpire and it looks like you should venz.. then venz..
I was trying to get Crang's kill. He was stunned, Rainbow, Musa and Rawr were on me and I knew instantly I should venz. I was a greedy noob and wanted the kill -- O well lesson learned, again.
That's all for now, Thanks for stopping by!!
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