Monday, February 6, 2012

FinalWavve to Zero

As many have noticed I have not been in game very much recently and that is because I have quit Zero's server.  It has become boring and the PvP has lost all of the dynamic fun.  Pvp is simply stunning knights and ebinding elves. No thanks.  I am too lazy to edit photos so I will just upload them in masses.. Enjoy:

This is sooo old but I found it and it deserves to be up!!

Man I do miss my elf:

Murder died alot a few months ago (old ss) -- MVP candidate

He might be mvp..

Alot of randoms:

ByYourSide (MVP candidate)

Now Some Family end shots:


It is rare to see the beast Rainbow die, Twice in one day no less o.O -- Trying to be a hero here and fight at the 1v1 spot.. Avatar is painful, Rainbow got trippled and dual destroyed and stuck around.. then stun dun sun!

Now for Dmoney:

Kid lets pledgemates kill him I guess to boost K:D ratio which is illegal I thought but nothing will be done..

Pocari ends ALOT and I guess he is mad, he decided to end me in DM -- cool, GM said he will give a 3 day ban but I don't think he ever was..

As you can see, I made an Illusionist named FinalWavve. Illusionists are mad fun, more people should play them and they are quite fun 1v1, case in point:

Ezen has 9 deaths now? I think I have caused all of them between overkill n final:

Then Mops got him..

We fought this Hell pledge and they were just bad, most of the time it was 4v1 then neighbor came and it was like 6v2 lol:

A few others who felt the Illusionist wrath:

Illusionist Stuns Illusionist^^

As I said before, I have officially quit Zero and given gear away.  I did enjoy playing with Moonfang who just recently joined us and Matt (Floss), Sean (Proline) and a few others have come back -- so it is tough to leave but I am getting mad bored and I am so enjoying Star Wars. Keep killing it Neighbor!! I will stop in from time to time, Stik -- I want to see a +11 fidel when I come to say hi!!!


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