Tuesday, October 11, 2011

First Real Post!!

So I have not had a chance to play much over the last few days but that will change over the next few.  I have been trying to balance leveling with farming so that I can be geared up nicely.  It isn't too hard to do either on Lin Zero which is nice. I did get about 2 hours today to mess around.

These few things happened:

I did manage to level up twice today:

Then I tried to blow a few things, fairly nice enhance rate on LinZero:

Also, look at how many users.. 151!!

Another really cool feature in LinZero is automatic fishing. Once you toss in your bait it will auto fish until you get an Arka Bag, I think I have 3 of every doll..?

That is about it for the last few days on LinZero but surely more to come..

Here are a few things from old archived True Lineage SS's

This is me pulling all the drops over that Noob SOF elf Lalahoo ^^

I was never on much at night so I did very little pvping on True Lineage, something I will change with LinZero. However Music and I did get one prince ^^ Stun Son!!

On the last day of True I used Dan's knight PROFESSIONAL to kill myself for some bounty action -- 1.8m!!

O well that's all for now,


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