Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Been gone several days..

Hey guys, I have been gone travling over the past few days.  My wife is about to finish up her PhD and must go on a year long internship -- so we were all over the east coast for interviews.  Christmas is around the corner so I still won't be in game much, but after xmas is over I will be.  Here is some shots from the week of 12/12:

I have consistently used up my sky castle time each day that I can.. seems foolish not to and I ran into this mop thieving CHA mage (on of the reasons I prey on you tools) and he told me I killed him before and thats why he was doing it.. Well guess you missed on this mop:

They went +7.. but blew.. qq

That about does it for non-pvp stuff lol..

One of the pledges I routinely kill is Lovers and I guess they are fed up.  So it turned into a 5v1 fight at Devil King and still alot of them flopped.. SailorMoon and Ham started to help for fun.. I miss having a stun knight at fights -- so many kids flop:

Mr. Lee is sub 70 so I would just bind him, I try not to kill sub 70 players.

Rolex is also another pledge I routinely hit and they seem to be swelling with numbers so again it turned into a 4v1 ( 1 mage, 2 knights, 1 de).. here is the result

That one knight was in 75+ poly and stunned me every try.. so he was clearly 75-77 and granted these kids are bad pvpers.s It just goes to show that I occasionally do more then end CHA mages (contrary to popular belief).

Now to our CO-MVP pvpers of the week:



Lastly after all that fun I had to make sure I would never go back to Hell..

Thanks for stopping by,


1 comment:

  1. Hey DH! I had to wipe my comp and lost everything. Since I changed region to Korean I locked myself out of stuff haha! Anyway Not sure I will be back. Thank you for the help and If I do decided to I will let you know. Playing there is to hard, I do not have enough time and not to mention I do not like ruing my new comp lol. Nothing but issues since i put zero on. Anyway You know where to find me!~ And I still readyour blog everyday lol
