Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back from Hiatus

Now that Christmas and New Years is over life is settling back into that normal routine we all experience.  I have not been in game very much and will probably only be in game seldomly. A bunch of us are playing Star Wars The Old Republic.  I am having a ton of fun working through the content.  I have been playing Zero here and there but not much.  There have been a few nerfs that I have disagreed with and I find myself with less and less of a desire to play.  I have a ton of screen shots to post but I am too lazy to edit them so in the next day or two I will get them up. For now see you in game or make a comment if you want to know more about SWTOR (come play with us!)

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. I play SWTOR also. Finding it awesome. Playing Bounty Hunter on: The Fat Man server

    Hit me up i play BaBomb


  2. WOW cool I have not tired that game yet, WHo all is there?
